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Hello, Goodbye let's see what happens inbetween now and then. Ms P or Paula Namaste.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Second snow day here my sisters sure many of you are wondering if the sun will ever shine again. Warmth be felt from the inside out, or out moving inward. These times, often bring me to heavy thinking and that is sometimes not always healthy. Being kept in so to speak somehow confines us or the illusion of it, so what do we do we retreat? A SNOW DAY..

I have been flawless in this happening over the past forty eight hours. The currant situation I find myself journeying right now is a vortex of possibilities with an endless chaotic spiraling ending this mixture like the weather has left a little gloom and grey. Grey being so many shades of what is going and my thoughts and brain are in overdrive. Between keeping my vibration up, and staying in the NOW, I speak of this often, and flowing with the churning spirals of what is coming to pass or end, or maybe just dwindle from my line of sight only to see it once more somewhere down the river, due to vibrations I manifest any one of these are a possible universal happening in the making. I feel this and that is the closest I can come to our human language on explaining that particular event.

I am linked by two aspects "FEELING" and THINKING" for me what I feel is the zero line, from that point on it is on a course of it's own. It is my purposeful make-up. I feel therefore I think. Some think therefore they feel. Two parts of a whole. It is the balance that I struggle huh how funny, balance is no struggle, yet I state it clearly that it is. You see what just happened I felt then I thought then I wrote, now it is done. It turned out negatively.

I started really feeling what I was thinking to try and flip the script, it was a mad rush of all sorts of emotions and it really was exhausting keeping up with the thought process it seems endless, like the proverbial dog chasing his tail, and never once caught then what?  The energy I used up and really ended up with virtually nothing positive just confusion and chaos.  I for the first time realized how empty my thoughts are to flood and then vanish without a trace, they really are hauntingly dangerous and yet so inviting. When I feel first then think, this normally works for me, but it often fails of late as the trust in my inner self has been dampened and walled out, the ego through the mind the human in me let GO...it merely obliged my actions. I am sorry for this meaning it is damaging to ME no one else.

Every thought and feeling has a purpose in it's moment. It is all relative. So here is the dilemma, I bask in the moments of good feelings and positive thoughts they empower me if only for a second, wait for it, then the pendulum swings back, right that's just the way it goes. Yin and Yang so to speak. So yup here they come for me one of the biggest is a relationship issue, is it over? is it a lady in waiting by the universe? is it still a going on? each of these are a web of tangled thoughts and feelings that really right now have no relevance to my NOW. They still creep in and bam I am stuck trying not to hit by the dang pendulum.

I tried a little something I heard in a Abraham Hicks video: A five minute dedication and notice the use of the kind word dedication. Something you will invest and commit to willingly. Pause for the thought kinda of action. I set an alarm clock for 5 MINUTES, I started thinking and then feeling some guilt over this relationship I refer too and it started with great news about my other half his health him paying attention once again and gaining strength, well then it shifted to ME, I thought about how I abandoned the situation too soon? Did I loose faith in US? then it moved again not just questions now answers started to come and as it all went down so did my energy and feelings changed they darkened and were no longer empowering but rather damaging. I was about half way through the five minutes and still it came, go back to TN you can do better this time, you can handle his stuff and yours pick him back up put things right for him...oh that pattern grew and grew and then I noticed how small I felt, like I was disappearing or becoming invisible. The bell went off thank goodness. I felt it all took another fifteen minutes or so to write this out and let it stew for a bit, really understand and release what is not meant to be in the NOW> This is clearly not a fix right NOW situation.

The day progressed and each one of these little thoughts and feelings that broke my spiritual connection, I stopped and paid homage
to them, dedicated all of me in that moment to what is happening. Pausing to allow that thought it's time for it will pass make no mistake. Now, I would love to say it all ended well, but nope I had the same thoughts rinse, and repeat and each time I kindly acknowledged them but had to ask them to leave for I already dedicated the time to them in their moment and NOW is not theirs. It really amazed me how the chattering, the committee in my head slowly  began diminishing yet I know they will rise once more, so it the way of the pendulum of thought and feelings, or feelings and thoughts either way it all leads to the same NOW the same simple truth...All that we are arises from our thoughts. Keep them POSITIVE but never berate the negative it is the balance one needs to continue to progress.

Sunday, February 22, 2015


Sisters today, was the mark of new dawning a new awakening it started about a week ago, with this incredible understanding that everything is mutable. Adapting and mutating, some more than others but that is a story for another day.

I"m  mutable soul, I change instantly, and a chameleon is my craft. I don't do well in chaos, but make no mistake, I will take every ounce of it and create something bountiful, and somehow I will own it. Pisces is a double take on the mutable aspect, water sign and the mutable sign. I don't really think I need to say more. Those of you who are one know, and those of you who ever tangled with a fish knows what a powerful sign we are.

Today, running my usual ritual of daily rounds, this statically charged energy came over me, it was so filled with strength and power and little hesitation. It flowed through poems and verse, it flowed in every little post I made. After it left, as quickly as it ROSE, it extinguished to ash. I read over each one starting at the top: Here they are with a little bit of what I got out of this whole experience of not knowing what lie hidden deep within.


This one represented one of the moments when my relationship of which is no longer present popped up and bite me, I didn't see it coming. I felt the rise as I thumbed through, and found that even now try as do, it still is a wound that is healing, pusses out from time to time but it is a release, infection, poison, must all purge.


The 50 Shades of Grey really?????? What's with all the hysteria, I find it quite offensive. IMAO.

Now this one who knows where it stemmed from but it hit a chord. It was a voice inside that needed to be out into the world. Nothing more than my years of being on this planet and experiences that have lead perhaps to a less that positive vibe in society. Perhaps the inner sister in me just doesn't see the need for such dis-ease...Give me a penthouse and I can give you better erotica. IMAO. So I had a little social conscious moment and collective thought for my future sisters and the world they will endure.


 A moment from my past slipped in a love so grand it still holds my memories hostage, and most of the time I like it. It also spoke of a NOW that is trapped between what was and what it?? A person who I know will ever reading upon this will realize how much this applied to me for you. And then I thought of my all the loved ones that past and each of them had a some very sentence in our scripts and each one was one of those people to me. 


True love had it pure and sweet years passed and yet time told me it was just seconds since you came into my life.Then I had to say goodbye, it took my breath away, but our time is done.
Someone walks in, a spark is struck, a light ignites, is it love again???? I am now leery, for perhaps I have loved and been loved enough, and all the others and in-between were nothing more than other's love they needed from me. 
I walk away, empty once more, I think I shall nevermore ask for one more love, it pains me so it means I have to bleed again, it's just to beautiful to watch the blood you drew, I am too tired to stop it, let it bleed and drain it all away, 
I am the one now who holds the seconds in my hand,was it ever true love, did I miss a step? and as you watch the light go out, and all the blood turn blue, it would have been nice if you held my hand, and whispered goodbye, 
But to say nothing, and leave it all undone, by damn I think I might have to haunt your ass for that is what memory you left me a hauntingly bloody, unfinished love affair. 
draft pla2015 work in progress revisions update soon.

This just flowed as soon as the page was blank. It worked it's way to my throat and a lump got in the way, it flowed with beautiful darkness, and gifted chaos, it was a moment of not being here, or there, it was as if I merged with ink, as my blood, paper my bones, and from all else I don't know. I get that way sometimes, it is a gift? or a curse? Either way I love it when surges and rises from nowhere to somewhere and no I don't know why? This is the best I can describe when I am inside me. 


This was just for me right now to remind myself that everything is in it's place for NOW< a work in progress> I don't presume to know the outcome but I damn sure gonna get the most of this ride. I seem to pay a heavy a toll, but glancing back no regrets a lot of remorse...price to pay for living a life on life's terms. It uplifted me and brought me a new smile, a new taste in my mouth, I'm getting through all in all just fine. I feel an attitude of TIME TO RISE> 


By this post I was aware of all the levels I had gone, in just a few ordinary hours and minutes but each in their second was a star, they were the center of my NOW..is life that way too? This one is by far my favorite and I think I will stand alone for awhile, you see it describes me and my thoughts to a T. Just read this through and go back and start this post again and see how my fantasy carries my soul. SO this RISING IS MY FEMALE DIVINE, she has things to say, and do, shift and shape, move with chaos, and explode when the surge of all the little pieces of mess that we are sometimes, all measured up and a step back approach, it is a a RISING RISING do not let it be shut down. I see I am but one second at a time, and it doesn't matter what you see, it matters what I FEEL>>>For that is what my journey requires, and it is most times painstakingly  beautiful, a treasure of darkness all wrapped in a magnificent glow of light it's all ME..... 

I will post these for a few days, as I am intrigued now by what patterns I will see, and explore, how I can grasp what truly goes on inside this spiritual human existence..the results should be revealing. 


Wednesday, February 18, 2015

NO NO NO ...Is What We Feel YES Is What We Say?

Women what is wrong with saying NO? We always seem to have defend the simple decision to not doing something. It is a learned behavior as it is not instinct to feel one way and act another or respond against the natural grain. So why do we do it?

Studies show that about 75% of women have a difficult time saying NO. It even extended to telling little white lies. The key reasoning behind this is that the simple fact is people want to stay connected to other people even in the worst unhealthy ways.We don't want to reject people, We don't want people to think poorly of us, so what we really are doing is managing what others think of us??? What? A vicious cycle of never ending guilt-ridden, embarrassment, awkwardness in the that moment when someone asks the NO question. In that one instance we don't fully understand the emotional intensity of our feelings and emotional tension. Most the time the pressure is to great and we give in with a yes.

The truth is NO is liberating and it is a necessary tool in maintaining balance and harmony in one's life, be it the mind, body or spirit. All that giving in and sacrificing for others illusions takes a toll on every aspect of our human condition. The desire to stay connected to others, means disconnecting with our selves in most cases. So the first thing one must do truly be in tune with oneself and know when to deviate from social graces, and self sacrifices to understand that saying NO is a viable option.

Here are four  times one should stop and quiet and the inner desire to please others and instead listen to makes you happy. PERIOD!!!!!!!

NEED A LITTLE SPACE - Skip some social outings like Happy hour, or girls night out, perhaps one is engaged in many hobbies and classes and social meetings. Let one or two go, it will not fall apart if one does not show up. One is not the indispensable.

FEELING PHYSICALLY EXHAUSTED- Take the night or day off. Shift your priorities from the  routine get out of the same old same old and follow your FEELINGS> that GUT INSTINCT.

CAN ONE HEAR ONES' THOUGHTS- CREATE YOUR "CAVE" "SANCTUARY"- When one's thoughts are jumbled and taking control or out of control the best thing to do is RETREAT that is a calming and soothing word or at least it should be. It is not meant to be shameful or cowardly but enlightening as to understand that ONE NEEDS PEACE AND QUIET. Escape with a good book, a favorite TV show. perhaps a meditation to relieve stress, and quiet the mind.

NOT IN THE MOOD-JUST SAY NO- When one says no somehow there needs to be circumstantial reason behind the answer. Justification on the part of the one who is saying NO. There is only one true agenda and that is the agenda we have with ourselves. find your comfort zone and relax. Give yourself permission to stay NO without explanation or justification just a simple graceful No thank you, maybe next time.

Now these are very simple and easy times to take notice it is a good beginning to practice the art of saying NO. We live in a 24/7 world with lists, and chores, obligations, and on and on and while it all needs to be handled and taken care of to the one's best ability, it is also so very important to realize that one's self is the most important consideration and obligation to handle in the moment of the 24/7 hustle and bustle.

Take a test see how many times it comes up in a 24 period of you wanting to say NO, but you said yes you might just be surprised at how YES YES YES comes out way more than NO.

Namste my world tribe.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Sisters, today was an interesting day spent with sisters of all ages ranging from 18 to 60 and in the conversations we had one topic kept coming up over and over again. DIET? 

This sisters cringes at the very thought of the word. I see the first three letters spell DIE and wonder how in the world that even  sounds inviting? Everything is balance, it does not matter what, or where, when, or how, or why it all equals balance to be free in spirit, mind, and body. The universe in all it;s magical wonder when creating this magical space we call home, it created all that our bodies would need to sustain us in a natural living order of life. Every plant, animal and insect provides the balance to us all surviving on this planet. One wonders does the dragonfly wonder about getting to fat? Or does the bird worry about under arm flab? How about the elephant does it wonder if it's bone structure is wrong to big? Then how about the fish do they concern themselves with bloating or being in the right size of gills? The correct answer is NO.  If there is any concern or thought at all it is merely about survival and maintaining it's natural course. 

We are the only species that somehow equates weight and bone structure to vanity. Humans carry a huge amount of what the image should be whether it is sustainable or not is irrelevant to most. The conversation continued and as the voices and discussion carried on, ringing out was how we as women describe ourselves, portray ourselves, we do more damage than any outside interventions. 

My voice rang out, I could not take it any longer, define the word diet? In one roaring answer it was to lose weight because they had gained to much. Oh wow! Now, the journey was beginning,  

  1. 1
    the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats.
    "a vegetarian diet"
    synonyms:selection of food, food, foodstuffs;
  2. 2
    a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons.
    "I'm going on a diet"
  1. 1
    restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight.
    "it's difficult to diet"
    synonyms:be on a diet, eat sparingly;

    Are these truly accurate? The conversation changed once again, we maintained the word did have it's value, We didn't agree on the perspective of the word. As the conversation took on a path of at first it was a constant you against me thing, I needed to be right, and you needed to be right, and then it went to actively changing  someone's beliefs or thoughts to line up with theirs. The gazing upon this from a distant as an observer was stunningly real. Watching the dynamics of the energies whirl, and twirl, and change like the sudden on set of a storm or the dead silence of suddenly being in the dark. It leveled out, over about an hour so, We exchanged these final thoughts, we all were interested in maintaining our best health and too look as best we can. Now that second part, shifted a bit different personalities and beliefs often defined it differently. Then came the really interesting part, all the ways we came up with as a collective together: all our ideas and came out, they were amazing, and funny, interesting, new, and some even a little odd. Discussion included raw organic food, juicing wonders, we talked of high protein and fresh foods, finding and funding our local suppliers in the area, we even started a EATING THE DIET GROUP on Saturday;s we are traveling all over the area for local farmers markets, and herbs, raw, milk, etc, along with that we are all hanging out at the local yoga free classes. WE all came together to decide we would eat everything naturally as possible we would never deprive out bodies, our minds, or souls, of what we need and sometimes just crave. We honored each other in acknowledging that we falter wave back n forth, and it is OK because or general intentions are always to honor the true self and the natural order of balance through trial and error. 

    Now the second part of our little gal chat was about what is acceptable and how much is enough?Then it  started the whole cycle again just as above, and all of sudden it came clear this is how a collective works.We understood that the elephant serves a purpose and that is what is required to exist.We understood that the bird required all that it's arms provided to fly. We began to breath clear in our own gills and understand we have come this far with like minded people who are open and willing to delve into new territory, new ideas and figure life out together in a healthy and loving and supportive manner. The cycle in all it's chaos to splendid madness, right back to balance and center We found our balance our DIET NOT TO DIE. 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Years of Meditation ..summed up in 5 Minutes of Writing.

Sisters have you ever done something over and over through the years, practicing and honing a skill or a hobby something. then only to realize that after years of mastering or so the Ego says, we find when asked about it we can sum it all up in a 5 minute conversation.

" It's all relative" a lesson I have come to understand clearer and clearer with each passing event. Time is such a peculiar energy, we don't really know it's full scape of meaning yet we whirl it around as if we have MASTERED it somehow? Quite ironic. Is this something we use to our advantage or our illusion of having control? Or is it a part of the greater whole, the natural order and it merely simplifies the playing field so we may at least have a shot at grabbing a piece of the puzzle ?

Seventeen years of meditation, and using it daily right, wrong, up, down, whatever it took to just spend five minutes of quieting the mind. In time of matter, that's a lot of five minutes. The cosmos, perhaps sees it differently in ways our view just unable to grasp until it's TIME>> so many plays on the word, so many values of dimension is it all Relative??

So here is the best explanation on the theory of RELATIVITY in this sister's experience. " Grab a hot pan and a second can seem like an hour, Grab a hot woman and a hour can seem like a second".

There are about five things that cover this multiple years of wisdom, worth all of two cents on a good day, that one will probably finishing reading within the five minute conversation. Is it all relative?

1. No two meditations are the same. Different strokes for different folks but all us have the power with in us. Mindfulness is the point of the exercise how one gets there are many paths, breath, visual, guided, affirmation, mantra, all true paths. The point is to be in the present moment, without judgement and observer of the time passage.

2. Three essential values:
    Consistency, Interest, and Openness...

Stubborn and consistency fit very well together here use them as one word. Call it ones "never zero" approach. No matter what, practice everyday, even if for five minutes or minute if that is what is available. DO IT period.
Doesn't matter what is happening, bored, tired, angry, sick, BUSY, depressed. Just sit. This is the way ones brain gets wired into meditation it is a consistent connection.

Keep the energy alive. Make it a passion, a learning, value, but keep it going it will pay off.

3. Things will CHANGE:

Everything is temporary including your feelings and the state of matters as they appear. There it is as they appear in that MOMENT OF TIME, hold on now, it will slip to a new perspective very shortly, everything is in constant change, one's DNA changes every thirty seconds imagine every thirty seconds, one is changed completely by natural order and of course one's actions and mindset. Point of value, the mind is becoming FLEXIBLE> All changes are subject to choice by one person and so what the changes are is dependent on the individual. IT will change.

4. Buddha Wave

In the beginning it is stated that even five minutes is good, and it is however, like everything it has to continue to grow and strengthen. So it only makes sense to find the meditations that challenges one's own journey at any given time. The stronger the quieting of the mind is the better the results of one's life journey.
Focus on the breath. the value of it is underestimated by far, it is the one thing that is consistent in sustaining one's life-force as long as it is moving so are we. This is mindfulness, the body and mind states as one observes, and delves into making the experience grow and mature. Time is also used in the concept of expanding and contracting and in the end is that not what life really is. Contracting when things come together, and expanding as things fall apart. One's heart will follow the mind, and the mind will follow the body, so the spirit, soul, essence is free to guide.

5.I am not my MIND>

The one thing learned by this sister is that I am not my thoughts, and my thoughts are not me, and detachment is possible for whatever is going on inside or out I am free.  When one realizes that one is not their feelings or thoughts, is just another temporary consciousness inside going on. It will come, play, and stay awhile but it will pass, the attachment is what makes the difference. If there is no attachment to the situation or the event, then it will pass without harm. It is a choice however, at that moment to attach or not.

Years in meditation and it comes down to five minutes of conversation, and no matter what it focusing and openness allow one to make one's choices of a choice based on to act upon,  to make use of, or simply to let go of. This is true freedom, this is the essence of relativity. It is all relative in the movement and motion of time.

Love Light and Rise each day sweet sisters.

Friday, February 13, 2015

Chant the MANTRA..SSHHHoossshh the Mind.

The mind is a thinking machine, I often attribute it to being that of a shark. It hunts all the time, eats, moves, and never sleeps. Sound familiar. The minds purpose is simple, yet complex, hmm perfect balance I would guess. It's purpose is to create problems and solve those problems that's it. It was designed to only do that, at a caliber that most of us can never grasp. 

The mind is a marvel, think on that see what I did . It is almost by reflex that we go straight to the MIND. It is a conditioning of lots of practice over years of conforming. The mind does not care what the issue is , it can argue both sides, why it is to it's benefit it is fulfilling it's primary purpose. The problem with all that of course is it is a never ending cycle. It never stops. It requires the body to check and balance it, as one minor part of the greater whole. The body thankfully has a threshold of maximum capacity. When it has reached it's limit it shuts down by any means necessary. Self preservation kicks in, this is where we start this is the point in the midst of all this that we get to stop and see what else is missing. I talk of the warning signs, that one's body activates to let us know to stop and take a look. The mind is a weed, it will take over and break down everything in it's path IF LEFT TO IT'S OWN DEVICES. The heart and soul play the last of the four to create the perfect balance a complete check and balances. The heart controls feelings which will strongly affect the mind, emotions are very very powerful. The soul or essence of one being the unexplained by words, yet to deny it is to deny one's true self. This is the inner source of faith, bliss, and pure unconditional LOVE for oneself and thus the world tribe. It starts inward only to vibrate outwards and touch all that it passes through. 

How does one tame the mind? Good question, I would answer with practice and more practice, and just when one thinks they have it, nope practice it again. It is the journey of the practice that provides the learning, the growth, the strength, the one step closer to one's truest self. There one too will find their "primary purpose". Still working on it here, but after fifty one moon cycles it is so much clearer, all that practice is dose of zen so to speak. Let's talk Mind GAMES, nope let's change games to Minds full of PEACE and QUIET. 

By accessing the power of speech through mantras, you can re-frame your thinking to purify negativity with love. Mantras are simple yet powerful phrases that are continuously recited in order to provide a healing, stabilizing effect on the mind. The repetitious quality of mantras yield the potential to open doors to achieving love, happiness and meaningful accomplishments

1. Everything ends.

When you are overwhelmed by anxiety or believe you are ‘stuck’ in a situation, you must remember that everything ends. Life is composed of cycles; every negative cycle must occur for a positive cycle to begin. Even our most frustrating, terrible cycles will come to an end. A difficult situation is not a permanent barrier to any kind of happiness.

2: I am enough.

Perfectionism is a major roadblock to incorporating love and happiness into your life. Take a moment each day to remind yourself that you are enough. Who has told you that you are ‘not good enough’? Will punishing yourself bring love and prosperity? As you recite this mantra, look at yourself in the mirror–be your own best supporter. This mantra should be repeated to counteract negative self-talk.

3.Let love be my guide.

There is nothing as holistic and cleansing as integrating love as a guiding energy into your life. Give into the divine will of the Universe by releasing all negative thinking; when your mind and heart have opened, you will see joy unfold before your eyes. As you recite this mantra, imagine a warm, pink light wrapping around your body like a blanket, drawing out all darkness from your auric field.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Emotion-cons???? Speak Loudly

We all know what burnout is. There are many categories under this title. Emotional burnout is the very heart and soul of most of the sisterhood on this planet. Go figure, it just seems the normal.We express them everywhere, wherever that little button lives we PUSH IT. What if just for one moment, we truly took a look at the definition of emotion, and do we really ever get to the core of it's existence to truly accept and start to the changes to heal.

Emotions control one's thinking, behavior, and actions. Emotions cause illness. Emotions also reflect in the physical body just as the body affects your feelings and thinking. Emotions that are not felt and released look at that sentence again, there are two parts, and one must follow the other. Balance and Cleansing.

What are Feelings and Emotions?

  John D. (Jack) Mayer says, “Emotions operate on many levels.  They have a physical aspect as well as a psychological aspect.  Emotions bridge thought, feeling, and action – they operate in every part of a person, they affect many aspects of a person, and the person affects many aspects of the emotions.

  Dr. Maurice Elias says, “Emotions are human beings’ warning systems as to what is really going on around them.  Emotions are our most reliable indicators of how things are going on in our lives.  Emotions help keep us on the right track by making sure that we are led by more than the mental/ intellectual faculties of thought, perception, reason, memory.

These are just examples of how people define the word. Interesting perspective on both takes.
One cannot control their emotions, it is an illusion. We must feel all them, positive and negative, and then must release them as they are only there in that moment. Everything is temporary including emotions. The energy in each of these "feelings" is a good indicator of exactly what is going on inside us. It is a wake-up alarm alerting one that there is something amiss. If one sits and feels and follows this energy of emotion it will truly take one to the core issue, patterns that have sustained all this time and what a load one has been carrying, but that is where the healing must begin.

Sisters they are so many signs to show just how repressed and deep those emotions go we must pay attention to our bodies and truly get to be comfortable with it's amazing engineering .


2. Depression with no related cause.
3.Blowing up over minor incidents
4. Pretending something doesn't matter when it really does matter.
5. Lethargic "who cares" attitude.

How many hmm's got you wonder?

Ways to Identify the feelings?
1. Listen inner self's thoughts and dress
2. Nothing is too small of matter if it hurts it matters
3.Record for 2 months what makes you feel strongly.
4. Keep a journal of your dreams (they reveal a lot)
5. Positive emotions draw them in
6. Listen to the gentle whispers of your soul
7. Use your guides, universal divine, feminine divine, angels, magic.

1.Speak one's truth- the core of the experience of the feeling.
2.Transmutting emotions- emotional meditation experience. Letting go through the breath different degrees of breathing based on emotion or feeling.
3.Releasing Resentments-even the tiniest will fester. Be thorough.
4.The power of prayer or offering
5. Meditation with heart of the Universe. Once you have relaxed, feel your heart, be with your heart.  Then go out into the Universe, and visit the stars and the spaces between the stars, until you find that sacred place, the Heart of the Universe.  Approach it slowly, respectfully and with humility.  Then ask that the love of the Universal Heart be more deeply connected with your heart, and that your heart be filled with the love of the Universe.  Stay with this for as long as you can.  Feel the love of this Universal Heart.  Once you feel your heart has received the love it needs at this time, thank the Universal Heart for sharing its love with you and slowly open your eyes and come back into the present moment.
We need to ask!

6. Shifting your perspective.
7. Detach from it
8. Know your fears.

Watch the button pushing they are always directing one's true inner core self. Feel it, Release it, and rise in all your glory sisterhood.

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Let Our Bodies Heal...

My dear sisters I greet you this Tuesday afternoon with a late entry. Greeted my Feminine first thing this morning.  I noticed one hour later, the day was going to off, out of step or just a little funky.
artwork by bohoshewolf all rights reserved copyrighted 2001. 

We are one day away from being free of the Mercury Retrograde thank the Como's for bringing it to it's end.  The day went off like I said and I had a choice at that point, I could  "belly up to the day, suck it up, and push on? or I could stop, hit reset and realize, and ACCEPT  I am out of sorts, and so I will kind and gentle to ME  I decided to listen to the inner child and it requested rest and healing some things were out of balance.

I looked at my calendar and my lists, yes I am list gal spotty at best but still a list. I sat back and asked the question what is the next thing I need to do right now? Nothing was planned for at least a couple of hours. I started to think of all the times that I have pushed my body to limits I knew it could keep of with. I reset one more time and thought this time is different, something changed and I went right to the HEALING LIGHT, no argument or debate in my head, no guilt, or martyr syndrome, just the healing solution. I thought how much as women we overdue, and submit ourselves to horrible body treatment. when in truth it is our bodies that sustain our ability to keep treating our bodies with disdain.

I say no more, today is the day we rise up and or quiet down and LET OUR BODIES HEAL.  Every cell in our body is a living breathing entity it has purpose and meaning. This body, houses our spirits, our souls, our dreams, our fears, loves, and loses. Quite powerful stuff if you ask me. A little humbling to. It follows our lead, and keeps pace with every dance without missing a step most days, and then we hound it "saying come on get over it", when it missed a beat , we knew it could no longer make. Yes, I believe with all my heart that we do it knowingly and willingly because our minds tell us so, which really is EGO most of the time of it's little existence, but it packs a punch every time.

Our bodies are perfect, made just for each and every one of us. Every tiny infrastructure, membrane, vessel, organ, your strengths and weaknesses, it runs in perfect time with the natural order of the great divine energies, and created perfectly to fit you and your life long purpose here in this time and place. Why then do we as women, find it so hard to find time to HEAL?

I pondered a bit more, then I shut my eyes and focused on my breath white, pure, and fresh, clean, as it went into my body I too went in to be reminded of how wonderfully magical this meat skeleton truly is. I watched and listened the inner workings of my body, noises, and movements that I could never describe well enough, or perfectly accurate, I moved freely watching as all these little entities moved about repairing and reconstructing moving in tune with my thoughts. OOPS! I saw a blood vessel pop, I noticed my thoughts split second, I had a negative thought pass quickly, but it still left it's mark.  In that moment, I realized" everything I am arises from my thoughts". I continued to sail through my body, all the imperfections over time and choices were now actively being serviced and rebuilt. I noticed the increase of light in my body dark spots soon lightened up. I spent 25 minutes or so give or take in this space and time, as I started back to the day at hand I came back with such humility and grace and respect for what lies inside this bio-organic magical entity I get the honor to adorn.

So, this is what I am going to do for the rest of this 24, my sisters LET MY BODY HEAL. Peace love and light to you all.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Take A Breath ...You are still alive.

There is a breath meditation that takes the time to really fall in love with your breath with your life, with your moment. It is the BREATH MEDITATION.

The breath and the body are interconnected, as is seen from the fact that the breath is calm when the body is calm, and agitated or labored when the body is agitated or labored. The heavy exhalation made when feeling exhausted and the enthusiastic inhalation made when feeling energized or exhilarated establish the same fact.

The breath and the emotions are interconnected, as is seen from the fact that the breath is calm when the emotions are calm, and agitated and labored when the emotions are agitated or out of control. Our drawing of a quick breath when we are surprised, shocked, or fearful, and the forceful exhalation done when angry or annoyed demonstrate this.

The breath and the mind are interconnected, as is seen from the fact that the breath is calm when the mind is calm, and agitated, irregular, and labored when the mind is agitated or disturbed in any way. Our holding of the breath when attempting intense concentration also shows this.
Breath, which exists on all planes of manifestation, is the connecting link between matter and energy on the one hand and consciousness and mind on the other. By sitting with closed eyes and letting the mind become ease fully absorbed in observing and experiencing the movements of the breath we enter into the consciousness from which it arises–the eternal Witness Consciousness.

font-family: Georgia, Times New Roman, serif;">The practice of Breath Meditation

1) Sit upright, comfortable and relaxed, with your hands on your knees or thighs, palms up or palms down or resting, one on the other, in your lap.

2) Turn your eyes slightly downward and close them gently. This removes visual distractions and reduces your brain-wave activity by about seventy-five percent, thus helping to calm the mind.

3) Your mouth should be closed so all breathing is done through the nose. This, too, aids in quieting the mind. Though your mouth is closed, the jaw muscles should be relaxed so the upper and lower teeth are not clenched or touching one another, but parted.

4) Inhale and exhale slowly and deeply three or four times, feeling the inhaling and exhaling breath moving in and out through your nostrils.

5) Now breathe naturally and ease fully, keeping your awareness on the tip of your nose, feeling the breath as it flows in and out of your nostrils. (Some people become more aware of the half-inch or so at the end of the nose, others the very end of the nose, and others remain more aware of the nostrils. Whichever happens naturally is the best for you. So whenever this book says “nosetip” it applies equally to these three areas.) Do not follow the breath in and out of your body, but just be aware of the breath movement sensation at the tip of your nose.

6) Keeping your awareness on the tip of your nose, breathe naturally and calmly, ease fully observing the sensation of the breath moving there throughout all your inhalations and exhalations. This enables you to enter effortlessly into the Witness Consciousness that is your true nature.

7) Do this for the rest of the meditation, letting your awareness rest gently on the breath at the nose tip and feeling the sensations of the breath moving there. After a while it may feel as though the breath is flowing in and out the tip of your nose more than the actual nostrils, or you may not feel the nose at all, but just the breath moving at the point in front of your face where the nose is located. That is perfectly all right, but the focus of your attention should be only at that point–not somewhere else either outside or inside the body.

8) Let the breath be as it will. If the breath is naturally long, let it be so. If it is short, let it be so. If the inhalations and exhalations are of unequal length, that is just fine. Let the breath be natural and unforced, and just observe and experience it.
In time your breath will become more subtle and refined, and slow down. Sometimes your breath can become so light that it almost seems as though you are not breathing at all. At such times you may perceive that your inhaling and exhaling are more like a magnetic pull or flow in and out instead of actual breath movements. This occurs as the subtle life force (prana) that produces the breath switches back and forth in polarity from positive to negative. It is also normal for your breath awareness to move back and forth from more objective to more subtle and back to more objective.
Sometimes the subtle breath is silent, but at other times you will inwardly “hear” the breath making sounds as it moves in and out. These will not be actual physical sounds, but very subtle mental sounds. They may be like the sounds made by forceful or heavy inhalation and exhalation–except softer–or they may be quite different. Whatever they may be, just be calmly aware of them while staying centered on the nose tip and breath.
The breath is a kind of barometer of the subtle energies of body and mind. Sometimes it is very smooth, light and easeful, and at other times it feels heavy, even constricted, or clogged, sticky, ragged, uneven, and generally uncomfortable and somehow feels “not right.” When this occurs, do not try to interfere with it or “make it better.” Rather, just relax and be calmly aware and let it be as it is. If you do this, the problem in the subtle energy levels which the breath is reflecting will correct itself and the breath will become easy and pleasant.

9) In Breath Meditation we only focus our awareness on the breath at the nose tip/nostrils, and not on any other point of the body such as the “third eye.” However, as you meditate you may become aware of one or more areas of your body at different times. This is all right when it comes and goes spontaneously, but keep centered on your nose tip and your breath.

10) Thoughts, impressions, memories, inner sensations, and suchlike may also arise during meditation. Be calmly aware of all these things in a detached and objective manner. Let them come and go as they will, but keep your attention centered on the tip of the nose and your breath moving there. Be indifferent to any inner or outer phenomena. Breath Meditation produces peace, awareness and quiet joy in your mind as well as soothing radiations of energy in the physical and subtle bodies. Be calmly aware of all these things in a detached and objective manner–they are part of the transforming effect of meditation, and are perfectly all right–but keep your attention centered in your breath. Even though something feels very right or good when it occurs, it should not be forced or hung on to. The sum and substance of it all is this: It is not the experience we are after, but the effect.

11) If you find yourself getting restless, distracted, fuzzy, anxious or tense in any degree, just inhale and exhale slowly and deeply a few times, feeling the inhaling and exhaling breath moving in and out through your nostrils, at the same time feeling that you are releasing and breathing out all tensions. Then resume meditating as before. Relaxation is the key to successful meditation practice.

12) Keep in mind that Breath Meditation basically consists of being aware in a relaxed and easeful manner of your breath as it moves in and out at the tip of your nose. That is all!
At the end of your meditation time, keep on being calmly aware of your breath moving in and out of your nose tip as you go about your various activities. In this way you can maintain the calm and clear state of meditation.

The Breathe is the first action in life. The Breath is the last action in life. So every breath in-between remember you are still ALIVE........Pause and smell the roses.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Friday, February 6, 2015

Greeting The Feminine Divine

It's 7am and the alarm is going off, warm and cozy, blankets all around, and the first light to hit one's face and eyes. Yes, morning has come calling. The day lays waiting, it's agenda is unfolding and before one goes and starts checking those 'To Do' lists and grasping at all that one has to accomplish.  Coffee already brewing, don't rush. STOP! Rewind.

Lay in one's bed for just one more minute to two, close one's eyes take a deep breath and greet the woman feminine divine, smile at her: thank her for allowing the first breath of the day. Acknowledge her spirit, her power of intuition and instinct. Let her become a part of the day, the hour, the minute even the second. Show her that she is in ever moment of decisions and desires. Hug her tightly, it just feels good.  It's healthy too.

All to often, one just clammers through the morning,  banging and busting out, it's a jump start that never stops once it gets going. This will be the mode of the day no doubt, one will fall in and out of non-stop pedal to the metal, to exhaustion by the end of the day. In 24 hours one will take the body, mind, and spirit to the depths of anxiety and to the heights of complete meltdowns, and this is just the way our world works today.

One small step, one positive moment, by engaging with one's divine feminine before the initial rise and shine will seem like one more thing to do, BUT that one thing will live strong through out the day.  One will find that life cannot so easily break and batter the one who GREETED THE FEMININE DIVINE the sunrise and thanked her kindly for the first breath, the first glimpse of the inner workings of being in love with the beauty inside. Ready, Set, Go.

RESET: If one did not greet her this morning, then stop right now and RESET start NOW and see how the day turns around.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Meditation For the Sisters.

We all go through times of despair, and being out of balance. Life is supposed to be that way. What experiences would one truly get if the road of life was straight, no bumps, always smooth and never a up or down twist or turn? Life just isn't meant to be that way.

 The truth is, we are on a road that changes constantly, it never repeats the same way twice. So how does one maintain balance when the surface is constantly moving? There is the first lesson. Everything and everyone is constantly moving everything is in flux. Things come together and fall apart and then they come together again and fall apart. It is constant and every lasting in this time and place. This what being a soul in a meat skeleton is all about. The experiences that we get to participate in all the craziness and absurdity all the love and joy bliss and peace these are all abundant and it is us who must continue to purge and plow through it all with the best attitude we possibly can muster.

How does one have a good attitude? It starts from the inside. Meditation allows us to dive deep within to find the strength the power and the infinite love that surrounds us every moment of our lives. It provides solutions to the internal and the direct result of that is solutions then become available for the external. The true eternal light that resides in all of us requires us to our part, to stay connected to the divine for that is salvation.  No matter what is going on in one's life, there is a meditation for that purpose, just as there are plants for every ailment and light in every dark corner.

Meditation is the key to understanding and loving oneself through it all no matter what. It is about seeing what you are truly made of and also will guide you to the a path of purpose and passion. We are never broken this is what meditation tells us. We simply need a little mending now and then. Meditation brings forth all the pieces that make one unique and just like a patchwork quilt all the pieces will fit together in a natural order and process go with it, flow with the energy and see what beautiful pieces of YOU come forth. Mediation is the road map we are given to navigate this space we occupy for this lifetime the next be something different. Meditation the calming of the mind, and body and spirit, it aligns all three to be in perfect harmony with the cosmos after all that is where we all came from. The line we are all made of stardust is beautiful but true. Meditation does that it allows one to see truth as beautiful that includes the inner workings of oneself.  Meditation creates a new outlook a new path and in that one's attitude is adjusted just by a few simple moments of being still.

Stillness is the key to quietness of heart. Meditation leads the way to this occurrence. To be still and just breathe is a automatic gear for attitude to change like having a car in neutral and then all of sudden it reeves up and you know you can go anywhere and do anything. Mediation brings one closer to that which is and that which is not, and in some cases that which might be. Meditation allows you to manifest everything you need from the highest source by the way that source is in US not out of us. It builds from the inside and leaks out to the outside. The balance in mediation is the Yin and Yang of life. One is Yang most days operating in the big big world, Yin is the moments you stop and breathe and connect to source. Meditation is it's name.

Over the next few days meditations will be posted on a variety of subjects. The invitation stands to try one or try them all, and of course feel free to share meditations that have successful worked. Take a moment and drift away, sit, breathe, check the attitudes and then meditate  it all away. Seek balance in all things and meditation is the first tool one will use and it will be the best tool one will have to walk this path of human existence.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Affirmation of the DAY 

Rising in a Full Moon

Well my sisters I could not just do one article on the Full Moon that is now in it's second day.  The power we attain from our grandmother is amazing if we only stop and breath and feel her power. I wanted to give inspire all of my sisters and hopefully leave you all with a little more wisdom, a little more clarity and most of all, a little more FULL of Magic. 

Grandmother Moon expands in her fullness in the sign of Leo on February 3rd 2015. This Leo energy coming in is summoning us to step into our own fullness through sharing our hearts with courage while allowing our unique light to be seen. It’s a call to cast away the voices of judgement that limit and suppress, so we can allow the love and truth from our hearts to flow through.
“The Moon is exploding with positive energy. There are no negative aspects to this Moon. Yeah! This is a celebration Moon. A reward for the hard work and intense striving that you have done. This is reveal in the moment and grandeur of it all. 
“The Moon is coupled with Jupiter in Leo (funny being we are in a couple month of LOVE). They are opposing the Sun in Aquarius. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius. He is in a positive position with both lights (the Sun and the Moon.) 
 “Jupiter is king of the gods. He is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter expands whatever he touches. He makes you feel good. This is an excellent Full Moon to be creative. You can expand your business. Your work may improve. Your creativity can grow.”
“…The Leo Full Moon is in a trine (beneficial aspect) with Uranus. You could make positive changes in your personal life. For instance, you may encounter new relationships, new friends and/or a new love. New friendships formed now may encourage you to be your authentic Self.”
“…You could change your personal habits like quit smoking. This would increase your health, well-being and vitality. You could make positive personal changes in your home. This would make your life easier and more effortless…”
“The best part of Leo is the inner child. You are to nourish and protect your childlike innocence. You are to be open to new ideas and fresh perspectives. 
“Be curious about life. Be engaged in the magic of the moment. Be in your heart.
Let go of the need to criticize and judge. This will kill your creativity. Instead, allow yourself to make mistakes. It is the only way to learn what works and what does not work for you. 
“The magic word is ‘try. ‘Try something different. Try and observe your mind and heart open.”

Monday, February 2, 2015

BoHo She Wolf : Born & Breed

BoHo She Wolf : Born & Breed: I knew the minute I was around others that I was a different breed not bad or good just different. I never noticed it when I was with my mom...

Full Moon..Feminine Power To It's Height.

We have said goodbye to January and I welcome the Imbolc
 time of February. It is still a time of hibernation but with a hint of spring soon arriving. Our little groundhog shadow spoke of six more weeks of winter. In this season I have experienced a huge transitional life stage and one of those that come out of nowhere kind of season. I mention this only because as this new time with a full moon on the rise, I remembered the beginning of this was also at a time of the full moon cycle.

Feminine energy the goddess divine, the power of the tides, the moon, the daughter of Mother Earth, each of us, burning, rising, burning and rising again and again leaving us to know that we truly are of spiritual wonder and magic. We are the creatures that bear life just as the essence of this universal creation. We nurture and balance out the Masculine side of our opposite and loving partner. We are of genuine grace and senses above and beyond the basic day to day realities. We born of water, and our bodies rock the cycles of waves and hurl with pain as the hurricanes, and we lay calm as the stillest body of water. We were born of this magic and celestial wonder.

On this Full Moon, let us all take a moment as gaze our eyes onto Her delight, let us think of a sister or sisters near or far, at hand or risen out this world. May we see the faces of the Feminine divine and bow our heads to show grace and to our knee to honor the SHE in each of us. Breathe in all the glory and light for this shall help guides when we are one step shy of complete darkness. Each breath taken is a ray of divine light that ignites as it enters us. As we exhale in her bounty of light, let the breath taken be freeing to all our souls across the universe, and may all those that are burning, show us the way, and all those that rising carry us along.

Peace love and light to all my sisters, all my feminine divine souls, all those that carry this energy more than masculine. A burden sometimes but a gift indeed.

There is nothing more rare, nor more beautiful, than a woman being unapologetically herself: comfortable in her perfect imperfection. To me this is the "true essence of beauty".
 Dr Steve Maraboli