I"m mutable soul, I change instantly, and a chameleon is my craft. I don't do well in chaos, but make no mistake, I will take every ounce of it and create something bountiful, and somehow I will own it. Pisces is a double take on the mutable aspect, water sign and the mutable sign. I don't really think I need to say more. Those of you who are one know, and those of you who ever tangled with a fish knows what a powerful sign we are.
Today, running my usual ritual of daily rounds, this statically charged energy came over me, it was so filled with strength and power and little hesitation. It flowed through poems and verse, it flowed in every little post I made. After it left, as quickly as it ROSE, it extinguished to ash. I read over each one starting at the top: Here they are with a little bit of what I got out of this whole experience of not knowing what lie hidden deep within.
This one represented one of the moments when my relationship of which is no longer present popped up and bite me, I didn't see it coming. I felt the rise as I thumbed through, and found that even now try as do, it still is a wound that is healing, pusses out from time to time but it is a release, infection, poison, must all purge.
The 50 Shades of Grey really?????? What's with all the hysteria, I find it quite offensive. IMAO.
Now this one who knows where it stemmed from but it hit a chord. It was a voice inside that needed to be out into the world. Nothing more than my years of being on this planet and experiences that have lead perhaps to a less that positive vibe in society. Perhaps the inner sister in me just doesn't see the need for such dis-ease...Give me a penthouse and I can give you better erotica. IMAO. So I had a little social conscious moment and collective thought for my future sisters and the world they will endure.
A moment from my past slipped in a love so grand it still holds my memories hostage, and most of the time I like it. It also spoke of a NOW that is trapped between what was and what it?? A person who I know will ever reading upon this will realize how much this applied to me for you. And then I thought of my all the loved ones that past and each of them had a some very sentence in our scripts and each one was one of those people to me.
True love had it pure and sweet years passed and yet time told me it was just seconds since you came into my life.Then I had to say goodbye, it took my breath away, but our time is done.
Someone walks in, a spark is struck, a light ignites, is it love again???? I am now leery, for perhaps I have loved and been loved enough, and all the others and in-between were nothing more than other's love they needed from me.
I walk away, empty once more, I think I shall nevermore ask for one more love, it pains me so it means I have to bleed again, it's just to beautiful to watch the blood you drew, I am too tired to stop it, let it bleed and drain it all away,
I am the one now who holds the seconds in my hand,was it ever true love, did I miss a step? and as you watch the light go out, and all the blood turn blue, it would have been nice if you held my hand, and whispered goodbye,
But to say nothing, and leave it all undone, by damn I think I might have to haunt your ass for that is what memory you left me a hauntingly bloody, unfinished love affair.
draft pla2015 work in progress revisions update soon.
This just flowed as soon as the page was blank. It worked it's way to my throat and a lump got in the way, it flowed with beautiful darkness, and gifted chaos, it was a moment of not being here, or there, it was as if I merged with ink, as my blood, paper my bones, and from all else I don't know. I get that way sometimes, it is a gift? or a curse? Either way I love it when surges and rises from nowhere to somewhere and no I don't know why? This is the best I can describe when I am inside me.
This was just for me right now to remind myself that everything is in it's place for NOW< a work in progress> I don't presume to know the outcome but I damn sure gonna get the most of this ride. I seem to pay a heavy a toll, but glancing back no regrets a lot of remorse...price to pay for living a life on life's terms. It uplifted me and brought me a new smile, a new taste in my mouth, I'm getting through all in all just fine. I feel an attitude of TIME TO RISE>
By this post I was aware of all the levels I had gone, in just a few ordinary hours and minutes but each in their second was a star, they were the center of my NOW..is life that way too? This one is by far my favorite and I think I will stand alone for awhile, you see it describes me and my thoughts to a T. Just read this through and go back and start this post again and see how my fantasy carries my soul. SO this RISING IS MY FEMALE DIVINE, she has things to say, and do, shift and shape, move with chaos, and explode when the surge of all the little pieces of mess that we are sometimes, all measured up and a step back approach, it is a a RISING RISING do not let it be shut down. I see I am but one second at a time, and it doesn't matter what you see, it matters what I FEEL>>>For that is what my journey requires, and it is most times painstakingly beautiful, a treasure of darkness all wrapped in a magnificent glow of light it's all ME.....
I will post these for a few days, as I am intrigued now by what patterns I will see, and explore, how I can grasp what truly goes on inside this spiritual human existence..the results should be revealing.
Very good xxxx