Sisters, today was an interesting day spent with sisters of all ages ranging from 18 to 60 and in the conversations we had one topic kept coming up over and over again. DIET?
This sisters cringes at the very thought of the word. I see the first three letters spell DIE and wonder how in the world that even sounds inviting? Everything is balance, it does not matter what, or where, when, or how, or why it all equals balance to be free in spirit, mind, and body. The universe in all it;s magical wonder when creating this magical space we call home, it created all that our bodies would need to sustain us in a natural living order of life. Every plant, animal and insect provides the balance to us all surviving on this planet. One wonders does the dragonfly wonder about getting to fat? Or does the bird worry about under arm flab? How about the elephant does it wonder if it's bone structure is wrong to big? Then how about the fish do they concern themselves with bloating or being in the right size of gills? The correct answer is NO. If there is any concern or thought at all it is merely about survival and maintaining it's natural course.
We are the only species that somehow equates weight and bone structure to vanity. Humans carry a huge amount of what the image should be whether it is sustainable or not is irrelevant to most. The conversation continued and as the voices and discussion carried on, ringing out was how we as women describe ourselves, portray ourselves, we do more damage than any outside interventions.
My voice rang out, I could not take it any longer, define the word diet? In one roaring answer it was to lose weight because they had gained to much. Oh wow! Now, the journey was beginning,
- 1.the kinds of food that a person, animal, or community habitually eats."a vegetarian diet"
synonyms: selection of food, food, foodstuffs; - 2.a special course of food to which one restricts oneself, either to lose weight or for medical reasons."I'm going on a diet"
- 1.restrict oneself to small amounts or special kinds of food in order to lose weight."it's difficult to diet"
synonyms: be on a diet, eat sparingly; Are these truly accurate? The conversation changed once again, we maintained the word did have it's value, We didn't agree on the perspective of the word. As the conversation took on a path of at first it was a constant you against me thing, I needed to be right, and you needed to be right, and then it went to actively changing someone's beliefs or thoughts to line up with theirs. The gazing upon this from a distant as an observer was stunningly real. Watching the dynamics of the energies whirl, and twirl, and change like the sudden on set of a storm or the dead silence of suddenly being in the dark. It leveled out, over about an hour so, We exchanged these final thoughts, we all were interested in maintaining our best health and too look as best we can. Now that second part, shifted a bit different personalities and beliefs often defined it differently. Then came the really interesting part, all the ways we came up with as a collective together: all our ideas and came out, they were amazing, and funny, interesting, new, and some even a little odd. Discussion included raw organic food, juicing wonders, we talked of high protein and fresh foods, finding and funding our local suppliers in the area, we even started a EATING THE DIET GROUP on Saturday;s we are traveling all over the area for local farmers markets, and herbs, raw, milk, etc, along with that we are all hanging out at the local yoga free classes. WE all came together to decide we would eat everything naturally as possible we would never deprive out bodies, our minds, or souls, of what we need and sometimes just crave. We honored each other in acknowledging that we falter wave back n forth, and it is OK because or general intentions are always to honor the true self and the natural order of balance through trial and error.Now the second part of our little gal chat was about what is acceptable and how much is enough?Then it started the whole cycle again just as above, and all of sudden it came clear this is how a collective works.We understood that the elephant serves a purpose and that is what is required to exist.We understood that the bird required all that it's arms provided to fly. We began to breath clear in our own gills and understand we have come this far with like minded people who are open and willing to delve into new territory, new ideas and figure life out together in a healthy and loving and supportive manner. The cycle in all it's chaos to splendid madness, right back to balance and center We found our balance our DIET NOT TO DIE.
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