Well my sisters I could not just do one article on the Full Moon that is now in it's second day. The power we attain from our grandmother is amazing if we only stop and breath and feel her power. I wanted to give inspire all of my sisters and hopefully leave you all with a little more wisdom, a little more clarity and most of all, a little more FULL of Magic.
Grandmother Moon expands in her fullness in the sign of Leo on February 3rd 2015. This Leo energy coming in is summoning us to step into our own fullness through sharing our hearts with courage while allowing our unique light to be seen. It’s a call to cast away the voices of judgement that limit and suppress, so we can allow the love and truth from our hearts to flow through.
“The Moon is exploding with positive energy. There are no negative aspects to this Moon. Yeah! This is a celebration Moon. A reward for the hard work and intense striving that you have done. This is reveal in the moment and grandeur of it all.
“The Moon is coupled with Jupiter in Leo (funny being we are in a couple month of LOVE). They are opposing the Sun in Aquarius. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius. He is in a positive position with both lights (the Sun and the Moon.)
“Jupiter is king of the gods. He is the largest planet in our solar system. Jupiter expands whatever he touches. He makes you feel good. This is an excellent Full Moon to be creative. You can expand your business. Your work may improve. Your creativity can grow.”
“…The Leo Full Moon is in a trine (beneficial aspect) with Uranus. You could make positive changes in your personal life. For instance, you may encounter new relationships, new friends and/or a new love. New friendships formed now may encourage you to be your authentic Self.”
“…You could change your personal habits like quit smoking. This would increase your health, well-being and vitality. You could make positive personal changes in your home. This would make your life easier and more effortless…”
“The best part of Leo is the inner child. You are to nourish and protect your childlike innocence. You are to be open to new ideas and fresh perspectives.
“Be curious about life. Be engaged in the magic of the moment. Be in your heart.
“Let go of the need to criticize and judge. This will kill your creativity. Instead, allow yourself to make mistakes. It is the only way to learn what works and what does not work for you.
“The magic word is ‘try. ‘Try something different. Try and observe your mind and heart open.”
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