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Friday, February 13, 2015

Chant the MANTRA..SSHHHoossshh the Mind.

The mind is a thinking machine, I often attribute it to being that of a shark. It hunts all the time, eats, moves, and never sleeps. Sound familiar. The minds purpose is simple, yet complex, hmm perfect balance I would guess. It's purpose is to create problems and solve those problems that's it. It was designed to only do that, at a caliber that most of us can never grasp. 

The mind is a marvel, think on that see what I did . It is almost by reflex that we go straight to the MIND. It is a conditioning of lots of practice over years of conforming. The mind does not care what the issue is , it can argue both sides, why it is to it's benefit it is fulfilling it's primary purpose. The problem with all that of course is it is a never ending cycle. It never stops. It requires the body to check and balance it, as one minor part of the greater whole. The body thankfully has a threshold of maximum capacity. When it has reached it's limit it shuts down by any means necessary. Self preservation kicks in, this is where we start this is the point in the midst of all this that we get to stop and see what else is missing. I talk of the warning signs, that one's body activates to let us know to stop and take a look. The mind is a weed, it will take over and break down everything in it's path IF LEFT TO IT'S OWN DEVICES. The heart and soul play the last of the four to create the perfect balance a complete check and balances. The heart controls feelings which will strongly affect the mind, emotions are very very powerful. The soul or essence of one being the unexplained by words, yet to deny it is to deny one's true self. This is the inner source of faith, bliss, and pure unconditional LOVE for oneself and thus the world tribe. It starts inward only to vibrate outwards and touch all that it passes through. 

How does one tame the mind? Good question, I would answer with practice and more practice, and just when one thinks they have it, nope practice it again. It is the journey of the practice that provides the learning, the growth, the strength, the one step closer to one's truest self. There one too will find their "primary purpose". Still working on it here, but after fifty one moon cycles it is so much clearer, all that practice is dose of zen so to speak. Let's talk Mind GAMES, nope let's change games to Minds full of PEACE and QUIET. 

By accessing the power of speech through mantras, you can re-frame your thinking to purify negativity with love. Mantras are simple yet powerful phrases that are continuously recited in order to provide a healing, stabilizing effect on the mind. The repetitious quality of mantras yield the potential to open doors to achieving love, happiness and meaningful accomplishments

1. Everything ends.

When you are overwhelmed by anxiety or believe you are ‘stuck’ in a situation, you must remember that everything ends. Life is composed of cycles; every negative cycle must occur for a positive cycle to begin. Even our most frustrating, terrible cycles will come to an end. A difficult situation is not a permanent barrier to any kind of happiness.

2: I am enough.

Perfectionism is a major roadblock to incorporating love and happiness into your life. Take a moment each day to remind yourself that you are enough. Who has told you that you are ‘not good enough’? Will punishing yourself bring love and prosperity? As you recite this mantra, look at yourself in the mirror–be your own best supporter. This mantra should be repeated to counteract negative self-talk.

3.Let love be my guide.

There is nothing as holistic and cleansing as integrating love as a guiding energy into your life. Give into the divine will of the Universe by releasing all negative thinking; when your mind and heart have opened, you will see joy unfold before your eyes. As you recite this mantra, imagine a warm, pink light wrapping around your body like a blanket, drawing out all darkness from your auric field.

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