artwork by bohoshewolf all rights reserved copyrighted 2001.
We are one day away from being free of the Mercury Retrograde thank the Como's for bringing it to it's end. The day went off like I said and I had a choice at that point, I could "belly up to the day, suck it up, and push on? or I could stop, hit reset and realize, and ACCEPT I am out of sorts, and so I will kind and gentle to ME I decided to listen to the inner child and it requested rest and healing some things were out of balance.
I looked at my calendar and my lists, yes I am list gal spotty at best but still a list. I sat back and asked the question what is the next thing I need to do right now? Nothing was planned for at least a couple of hours. I started to think of all the times that I have pushed my body to limits I knew it could keep of with. I reset one more time and thought this time is different, something changed and I went right to the HEALING LIGHT, no argument or debate in my head, no guilt, or martyr syndrome, just the healing solution. I thought how much as women we overdue, and submit ourselves to horrible body treatment. when in truth it is our bodies that sustain our ability to keep treating our bodies with disdain.
I say no more, today is the day we rise up and or quiet down and LET OUR BODIES HEAL. Every cell in our body is a living breathing entity it has purpose and meaning. This body, houses our spirits, our souls, our dreams, our fears, loves, and loses. Quite powerful stuff if you ask me. A little humbling to. It follows our lead, and keeps pace with every dance without missing a step most days, and then we hound it "saying come on get over it", when it missed a beat , we knew it could no longer make. Yes, I believe with all my heart that we do it knowingly and willingly because our minds tell us so, which really is EGO most of the time of it's little existence, but it packs a punch every time.
Our bodies are perfect, made just for each and every one of us. Every tiny infrastructure, membrane, vessel, organ, your strengths and weaknesses, it runs in perfect time with the natural order of the great divine energies, and created perfectly to fit you and your life long purpose here in this time and place. Why then do we as women, find it so hard to find time to HEAL?
I pondered a bit more, then I shut my eyes and focused on my breath white, pure, and fresh, clean, as it went into my body I too went in to be reminded of how wonderfully magical this meat skeleton truly is. I watched and listened the inner workings of my body, noises, and movements that I could never describe well enough, or perfectly accurate, I moved freely watching as all these little entities moved about repairing and reconstructing moving in tune with my thoughts. OOPS! I saw a blood vessel pop, I noticed my thoughts split second, I had a negative thought pass quickly, but it still left it's mark. In that moment, I realized" everything I am arises from my thoughts". I continued to sail through my body, all the imperfections over time and choices were now actively being serviced and rebuilt. I noticed the increase of light in my body dark spots soon lightened up. I spent 25 minutes or so give or take in this space and time, as I started back to the day at hand I came back with such humility and grace and respect for what lies inside this bio-organic magical entity I get the honor to adorn.
So, this is what I am going to do for the rest of this 24, my sisters LET MY BODY HEAL. Peace love and light to you all.
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