Stories and tales arising out of the journey of women's life.A spiritual transformation with the support and empowerment of my sisters all around the world. It is a place of serenity, support, compassion, solutions, and spiritual practices for women energy beings. We are the expounding energy to this plane of existence. We all have power but combine our power and like the Phoenix-After the burn a rebirth from the ashes and WE RISE....
About Me

- PWAdams
- Hello, Goodbye let's see what happens inbetween now and then. Ms P or Paula Namaste.
Thursday, March 19, 2015
There are defining points that occur or have at least for me. I get the most of the lessons, and visions, and definitely the signs of things contrasting and expanding. I have always seen them in a pattern sense of knowing. I see patterns and am good at looking at them to find what is actually true. Take a Kaleidoscope and when first glancing at the piece through the glass you see a magnificent placement of lines, and angles, and shapes and colors all vibrating at their own purpose and combining all these elements you get a glimpse of extraordinary a bliss of unexplainable geometry. It's captivates us at that point, and we stop there seeing only the surface of the patterns. I know, stay with me, though follow the pattern of the writing and it will lead you to well....that's the ending and I won't blow it now.
I began with one digital art piece I created long ago, it now was the maze of kaleidoscope that would bring me one step closer to my source, the source, our collective source but also it opened a new dimension of vibrations I have never known, a new level of knowing perhaps, these are all very sloppy words to convoy a feeling that in truth now words can adequately describe. As, I stared at the design I felt a leaving a expanding of my seeing it was as though it was a liquid I could easily move and slide back in and out again, it was amazing. There among the BIG PATTERN, the tiniest of kaleidoscopes appeared one after another in perfect timing and they lined up perfectly to what I call the spiral connection of life the vibrations that connects each of us to the source of all beginnings and endings. There I sat, dazed and hypnotized by this rhythm and movement. It required so much focus and openness to all matter, vibrations, heartbeats you get the idea. So after about an hour of this intense wild viewing and just being devoured in the beauty I began to appreciate every single line, angle, color, and in turn it brought more and more to the surface for me to take in and feel so so many vibrations of everything.
As the day went on so did the kaleidoscope of my perception and focus, it was sheer magic I saw micro mini patterns in big macro moments when everything was hustling and bustling I moved slower, yet swifter, with ease and peace. I stopped and took a breath and in a instant, something came in and somehow it started to contract pulling out of sight and touch..I again stopped and took notice, it was my vibration which had changed the pattern not the art of the image it continued in it's vibration leading it's purpose it never lost it's focus or changed it's feeling it simply does what it does because it is natural and connected to a source of all things. It accepts this. I needed to learn this, as this is the next level in my kaleidoscope journey. I felt a downward decline in my vibration and it sunk low and slowed way down, in the moment I stopped to breath, I soothed my feeling of lowness and started to raise it slowly with focus, and good thoughts, memories, reminding myself there is great love for me here, things are always working out for me, and you know what I got back to that place again. I am vibrating on the inner most level of the sources kaleidoscope of this life, to stop and smell the roses cause they are pretty fucking awesome. Appreciate everything that comes and goes for it really was meant just for you and one for is the natural design.
I finally closed down the day, I called this the HOCUS POCUS FOCUS meditation, lesson, call it what you need to but I will use it everyday, every moment it is a magical place to be. I am happy to be back and you know I write just for me and you, I don't care about views, or page hits, or advertising monies. I write this to share and really just have a voice somewhere in this legacy of social media and internet epitaphs. I write for us dear sisters, so I can put it out there and rise to the sisterhood of this moment.
Hocus Pocus,
natural design,
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
The feminine energy is soaring in my vortex tight now. I really am digging it, but also am realizing too how I separated from that energy long ago, you know when the youth in you told you lies and society pitted us against each other. I was raised with so much feminine energy strong, and powerful, some would even say magical. I never gave it a second thought, that it was going to change.
As time went by, and I started out on my journey, I found that the energy I was raised with was a rarity (as I look back right now in this moment). back then, I felt it hindered me made me different that is the illusion I was trained to believe. Being different, was not a good thing. Better to fit in the box, than be outside it. I retreated from my sisters and their energy, for all I kept getting pounded with was it's a competition we are all OUT TO GET EACH OTHER. This boggled my mind, and didn't really feel right, but I lost in the moment of wanting to fit in succumbed to the whole bag of lies.
Back to today, short little background as to the full essence of all vibrations come full circle. My birthday is on the 19th of March and usually I celebrate it with my whole family, my kiddos and others but definitely both energies moving. This is the universe is making a strong strong point with my on the feminine energy as well as connecting me with all my sisters. It turns out that this Thursday, night for the first time ever in my fifty one years of celebrating this one will be with just the females. We will be heading out to a place called the THE SWEET SPOT. Now, this didn't start out that way, we all were looking for something to do we looked and looked and then this little number came up on one of our social sites. We invited everyone of course but something in the air or the energy must have screamed with female energy and all that was left was me , my two beautiful daughters, and some very close friends will be heading out.
Now this must sound very strange coming from me as most of these posts are strongly related to the rising of sisterhood, so what better way for me to truly walk the walk and talk the talk. I look forward to the adventure and bonding we will have for those moments. I will have a wonderful story to tell either way and after all isn't that what makes rising of the sisterhood so special as we all get a little lifted by each of the stories, and also the words help but in the end it is the experiences that make it all worth while.
Friday, March 6, 2015
When the body is at it's best is when I am at my best. When I am in the groove which is almost all the time I love my body and have always had mad respect for it's amazing powers and it's ability to maintain me in this place and time. Then something comes down the river of life and shifts my boat, tips it, rocks it, and then my focus drifts to the circumstances of my environment or event. This is where it turns a little out there, so now that I am in it so to speak I start to let my body health take a hit, a small one mind you, I am still aware so I think OK I can spare a little unhealthiness to do this over here. Soon, it snowballs and my focus has now completely left the field of healing and good vibes and feeling good.
Now, my body has taken in germs, natural and normal germs that most days my body can easily and painlessly heal. Germs are on the attack and because I left the vibration of healing and focusing and mindfulness of everyday feel good healing thoughts I devoted to my body, and now I am really feeling the illness. It has struck and dug in deep. My chest, my lower back, my mouth, so many areas are now showing the signs of my neglect both in the physical action of taking care of my body, but the most IMPORTANT thing is my vibration of happy, healthy, and joy have been lowered so far down that it hinders the body from a productive, positive, and timely healing. My feelings start the process then my thoughts come in and mount up based on my feelings or emotions then from there all that is left is the manifestation of what the other two started.The end result in this case was a deep rooted emotional state that lingered in my heart and solar plexus areas and it took a huge toll on my physical well being, now I am at the bottom of it and my illness combined have taken a hit, I have quickly readjusted my vibration. My body needs my feelings to support it's health, my body requires my mind to sync with my feelings(spirit, essence,) so that it can carry on it's purpose of giving me a healthy, joyful, happy, and peaceful, life.
It is all a spiral cycle each one linking to the next and if I am not careful I a may end up with a chain of rusty sick links that will always keep me ill...Feeling and focus is the constant state I choose it keeps my vibration closer to source the vortex of all existence. Feelings hold the key to all vibrations in this human form, focused on those is the key to a raising in vibration a lowering in vibration. I find that when my vibration is high no matter what, even if I have to act like it ain' to speak I feel the vibration rising and that is always a good thing.
Peace love and light. Hope you all made it through the winter season with health, warmth, good purging, cleaning up the past, cleaning your emotional grid, filling it with something different , fill in all those gaps, what will you fill it with???
Spring is abound..Birthing, and new life is ahead.
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