Stories and tales arising out of the journey of women's life.A spiritual transformation with the support and empowerment of my sisters all around the world. It is a place of serenity, support, compassion, solutions, and spiritual practices for women energy beings. We are the expounding energy to this plane of existence. We all have power but combine our power and like the Phoenix-After the burn a rebirth from the ashes and WE RISE....
About Me

- PWAdams
- Hello, Goodbye let's see what happens inbetween now and then. Ms P or Paula Namaste.
Tuesday, June 30, 2015
Over the past few months especially with the Presidential Election of 2016 approaching fast I have been engaged in some very intriguing conversations about our structured society, and matrimonial, and patrimonial way of viewing our world. . One of which, just happens to be about the difference between matriarchy and patriarchy. Two of our sisters I will use as subjects simply by our society standards for this article. Hillary Clinton is a perfect poster of the evil matriarch(female, women) this is not true she is just an evil person, has nothing to do with her being a woman. Elizabeth Warren now she is in the "other" category which I would take as a compliment.She knows of the persecution of that title and all that it will bring. (matriarch). Of course just stick any of the "good ole boys white club in the other ring.
The one resounding echo was "Women in charge and enslaving men". I am speechless and that is hard to do. While I expected the counter parts of the male gender to sputter out this nonsense it hit me hard to hear my sisters tell the same tale. I retreated back to my office and felt the need to clear the air and set the record straight, or as straight as our experiences have clearly defined.
a system of society or government ruled by a woman or women.
a form of social organization in which descent and relationship are reckoned through the female line.
the state of being an older, powerful woman in a family or group.
"she cherished a dream of matriarchy—catered to by grandchildren"
I purpose a different viewpoint if I may, a reassurance of offering what a matriarch was defined pre-contact America's. Sisters hear and read this well, this is how we rise and how we also fall walking behind in the shadow's.
Matriarchy is a term used to describe a society different or in the "other" category. The label derived from the early European hierarchical patriarchy This mostly entailed the church and religious motives along with a superior unjust inequality. . It often applied to any society that did not conform to what was defined as 'civilized". Basically, what this meant was that any society where women were considered equal to their men counterparts the Europeans automatically viewed the culture as "other or uncivilized" and subjugated it in the most brutal and and forceful ways possible.(The religion sector became the dominant patriarch building block. Don't really see a difference today? The simple truth is these societies posed a threat then and still do today,to the hierarchical patriarch type of system and the European invaders views of how the world should be.
Take a look at the definition I posted above the first one is the only one people see, not sure why perhaps because it is the first, or the most negative of the three listed. I am going to ask you now, to return to that section and take a good look at the second and third definitions and hold those in your mind for the next part of the article. Let's get down to the nitty gritty of what is truth, and what is myth. I also say, remember this too, words don't teach but experiences do. While digesting the words from the definitions I ask you to recognize the grace, the dignity, and soulful purpose of those statements. After all, the matriarch represents women which is the feminine energy, and patriarch the men which in turn is the masculine energy, which by the way we all have a 50/50 shot of containing both, while some tip either way on the scale. Sisters take this as a spiritual movement a circle of all the energy that has been passed down over centuries, and now let's remember and awaken.
Let's introduce a new word a word that the First Nations People (the ones post pre-contact Americas
they held a society know as a" egalitarian.." They relied on constant consensus and basic cooperation for their basic survival. Which in today's world is still the level at which we live. (wages being a prime example) They worked together to solve societal problems and they firmly believed in society safety nets..Can we say the same? It also helped that they shared everything in the community. This is not even considered today.
Many first nations followed the adage you might never know one's father, (brutal times), but you always knew one's mother, grandmother, and elder woman. This also stemmed from a belief of the these people that human sexuality was not a threat to society. Women were just as free to pursue their sexuality as men.Gender, and gender identity, sex, and sexual orientation were not stigmatized by these First Nation people. In other words, if a person who happened to be a women was a better hunter and warrior than gatherer (which required a high level of plant recognition)and weaver, she was not only allowed but highly praised to achieve and excel to use her skills as a hunter and warrior for the balance of the community. The same logic applies to the men of the society. Both are accepted for their strengths not their gender.
The matriarchy of the First Nations were highly dependent upon equal rights for every member of that society, sharing the power amongst all members of the given society. Sisters what has happened to our spirits our truest essence of our birthright.? Sharing the wealth was considered in the best interest of the egalitarian society for it kept harmony which brings balance of members which also meant strong opposition to inhumane treatment. Basic birthrights; air, water, food, shelter, etc, were just not a consideration.
So now I see how these conversations take a turn and end up in some off the wall realm between what is word, and what is experience. I truly see why in this day and age why so many hierarchical patriarchs and monarchs, and democracies, women, men, feel the heebejeebees over the word Matriarch...I stand today, as the leading woman in my linage, my family, my community of sisters, I see a new horizon, new awakenings, a powerful surge of energy growing and expanding perhaps the First Nation's Peoples are not so lost and forgotten, perhaps they merely have quieted until we rise once more. Yes, I will be the one that when the conversations move to the realm of matriarch, I shall claim EGALITARIAN as the crowd hushes and ignorance bleeds silence, perhaps then a true conversation shall emerge.
My sisters be strong, be free, but most of all FLY to the truest energy that we are...We were born of the same, by the same, and for the same of all energies in this universe.
First native peoples,
gender identity,
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